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Monday, October 7, 2013

Allergies and Apple Cider Vinegar

Here it is - the dreaded change of season!  Coughing, sniffling nose, back drip and watery eyes.  Many options are available for over the counter and prescription medicine. But what if you cannot take them (say you are pregnant) or you want to opt for natural relief with fewer side effects.

Apple cider vinegar is a fabulous option for allergy and asthma relief.  It is something I personally take each season and up my dosage during flare-ups. 

1.  Steep a cup of water with 2-3 cinnamon sticks, 2 teaspoons of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of black pepper.  You can make larger quantities and store in the fridge and reheat as needed.  Also, it can be steeped in a tea kettle and kept warm in it all day for immediate use. 
2.  Pour 3 oz of brew
3.  Add cap full of apple cider vinegar
4.  Add local honey (also wonders for allergies)

It is a like a little shot of health!  It is strong but the honey helps to offset the strong vinegar taste.

Take as needed during the day - I personally like morning and evening. 

Cheers to good health!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks @patriciabragg for the reminder of adding cloves! See her calling this recipe "A WINNER" at
