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Thursday, April 4, 2013

3 Toxic Habits in your Yoga Practice - Detox your Mat!

Spring is in the air!  A time of renewal and cleansing.  While we may be cleaning out our closets and participating in cleanses to restart our bodies - let's also bring our awareness to our mats. 

Although we try to come to the mat ready for a new experience, we all (myself included) can sometimes fall into habits on our mats.  Let's try to break free from routine habits that may be preventing our growth!

  1. Mat Placement!  Do you have "your" spot in the room?  Last week, I walked into a class and the only spot left was front center.  I cringed!  So far away from my beloved back row.  But I rolled out my mat and tried to go with the flow.  No lie, it took me awhile to acclimate to a new spot.  What I loved though is that by the end of the practice the new spot in the room also opened up a new perspective of myself and my practice.
  2. Presence!  I know that after attending a teacher's class for awhile, I may be more in tune with their cues.  Sometimes, I can even see it in the room when I am teaching that my student's know where I am going even before I say the name of the pose.  Those days then I intentionally change it up to get all of us out of the routine (face a new direction, use a prop or some other surprise!).  Definitely, being in harmony is great for group energy.  However, examine if ever so slightly are you rushing the poses?  Remember, the first one out of the pose doesn't get to leave class first :)  Really commit your presence to be in the pose before rushing to the next. 
  3. Speedy Savasana!   Savasana is the yummiest part of our practice.  Yes, some days there is a lot to do in a day and our mind cannot quiet.  But honestly, those days are when savasana is the most important.  We shut down and allow everything our lives time to rest - why not our bodies & minds.  Benefits of savasana are numerous, including, calming the brain, lowering blood pressure, relieves stress and mild depression and promotes deep relaxation.  
Next practice, start examining the habits of your practice.  What you are doing on your mat is a reflection of how you lead your life off the mat and can provide powerful opportunity for growth & change!  Awaken your practice and live life empowered!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

3 Great Tips for keeping your hair looking and feeling great!

For all of you yogis that workout a lot... as well as in general (especially Spring and Fall when the weather is changing and we are more prone to lose a few more strands of hair when brushing or experience our hair changing texture (i.e. drier or oilier than natural) here are 3 great tips for great hair:

1. Oil -- Coconut Oil or Amala Oil (found in Indian stores :)) -- coconut oil (and amala) are great ways to nourish your hair on a regular on-going basis. Oil is a great way to help your hair (regardless of oily or dry) to get a great source of nourishment (strengthen the roots as well as condition) and help make it look shiny!
  • Tips on how to apply - massage the oil to your hair (especially the scalp) -- make sure you massage it in well -- and let it "sit" for 15-20 minutes at least before you shower.  
  • It is great to do once a week or once every couple of weeks.
  • I typically just shampoo when washing my hair after applying oil.

2. Mayonnaise --  applying mayonnaise to your hair once a month is a great way to deep-condition your hair - this is especially great during the Winter time as well as Spring and Fall as the weather changes. 
  • Similarly to applying oil - massage into your hair (especially the scalp) and let it "sit" for 15-20 minutes
  • I always use gloves -- similar to the ones used when applying hair color as the mayonnaise can tend to "smell-up" my hands - though it does soften them up nicely! :)).  
  • Another great tip -- I usually only shampoo (and not apply conditioner) when washing my hair.
3. Beer -- lite beer or regular -- believe it or not but beer is a great way to help make your hair shiny!
  • Poor half a can or the whole can on your hair and massage in (depends on the thickness and length of your hair on the amount you'll need) and let it "sit" for 15-20 minutes.
  • Great to do once every couple of months.
  • Depends on how your hair is feeling to shampoo and condition or just shampoo.
Make sure you massage the oil, mayonnaise, beer -- into your scalp -- the roots are more important than the hair itself because you want the source of where your hair is growing to get the longer lasting benefits!! :)

Next blog -- foods (and spices such as tumeric) that will help strengthen your skin and nails!