Welcome to another recipe from our SPY Soul Kitchen.
Over the years, we have introduced an ayurvedic detox cleanse, numerous cooking classes, sessions on doshas and introduction to spices. We love all of the great feedback and desire to learn!
Today's recipe is cauliflower and potato. This recipe is great for Pitta and Kapha dosha (dosha 101 is coming in a future blog!). If your dosha is Vata, cooked cauliflower in moderation is fine.
With the recent move to the West Coast, there's a lot of new things I am experiencing, one of which is farmer's markets. It's overwhelming seeing so many options of producespices, foods and a lot of fun too! I forget that we are only cooking for 2!
Yoga and cooking keep me connected to me. Lately it's the spiritual/soulful side of yoga I am focused on - meditation, restorative, yin, yoga nidra, kundalini.... It's helping me connect to me, present moment, gratitude... I digress!
The cooking connects me to family, especially my mom. Indian cooking connects me to my roots.
At the farmer's market, I was introduced to the Orange cauliflower (which apparently has more vitamin A than white cauliflower). And I thought let me try making Indian style "gobi alu" (cauliflower and potato).
Ingredients: (recipe serves 2-4)
1/2 large cauliflower or 1 small
2 medium potatoes
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
Salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon garam masala- optional
1 teaspoon turmeric - optional
Red chili powder or cayenne pepper-- if you like spice and are Kapha or Vata dosha
2 tablespoons olive oil (each dosha has preferred oils- more to come in a future blog!)
Prep (about 15-20 minutes - depends on how fast you cut!)
Wash the cauliflower and potatoes. Cut the stems off of the cauliflower and it will naturally start breaking into florets; using a knife quarter the florets to more bite-size pieces. Peel and cube the potatoes into bite-size pieces.
Cooking (about 30 minutes): In a large pan, on medium heat, add the oil and cumin seeds. Let the seeds brown (about 5 minutes) and add in potatoes. It'll take about 20-25 minutes to cook - depends on how big the pieces are, end on how "cooked" you like your potatoes - I never like anything too mushy. In a separate pan (while the potatoes are cooking), add the cauliflower and spices (except salt and pepper) and cook for about 15-20 minutes (again depends on how "mushy" you want it). Once both are cooked to your liking add the cauliflower into the pan with the potatoes and mix. Finally add salt and pepper to taste.
The first time I made this it took me about an hour and now it's one of the fastest things I can make in about 30 minutes.
Let me know how it comes out!
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