Welcome to another recipe from our SPY Soul Kitchen.
Over the years, we have introduced an ayurvedic detox cleanse, numerous cooking classes, sessions on doshas and introduction to spices. We love all of the great feedback and desire to learn!
Today's recipe is cauliflower and potato. This recipe is great for Pitta and Kapha dosha (dosha 101 is coming in a future blog!). If your dosha is Vata, cooked cauliflower in moderation is fine.
With the recent move to the West Coast, there's a lot of new things I am experiencing, one of which is farmer's markets. It's overwhelming seeing so many options of producespices, foods and a lot of fun too! I forget that we are only cooking for 2!
Yoga and cooking keep me connected to me. Lately it's the spiritual/soulful side of yoga I am focused on - meditation, restorative, yin, yoga nidra, kundalini.... It's helping me connect to me, present moment, gratitude... I digress!
The cooking connects me to family, especially my mom. Indian cooking connects me to my roots.
At the farmer's market, I was introduced to the Orange cauliflower (which apparently has more vitamin A than white cauliflower). And I thought let me try making Indian style "gobi alu" (cauliflower and potato).
Ingredients: (recipe serves 2-4)
1/2 large cauliflower or 1 small
2 medium potatoes
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
Salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon garam masala- optional
1 teaspoon turmeric - optional
Red chili powder or cayenne pepper-- if you like spice and are Kapha or Vata dosha
2 tablespoons olive oil (each dosha has preferred oils- more to come in a future blog!)
Prep (about 15-20 minutes - depends on how fast you cut!)
Wash the cauliflower and potatoes. Cut the stems off of the cauliflower and it will naturally start breaking into florets; using a knife quarter the florets to more bite-size pieces. Peel and cube the potatoes into bite-size pieces.
Cooking (about 30 minutes): In a large pan, on medium heat, add the oil and cumin seeds. Let the seeds brown (about 5 minutes) and add in potatoes. It'll take about 20-25 minutes to cook - depends on how big the pieces are, end on how "cooked" you like your potatoes - I never like anything too mushy. In a separate pan (while the potatoes are cooking), add the cauliflower and spices (except salt and pepper) and cook for about 15-20 minutes (again depends on how "mushy" you want it). Once both are cooked to your liking add the cauliflower into the pan with the potatoes and mix. Finally add salt and pepper to taste.
The first time I made this it took me about an hour and now it's one of the fastest things I can make in about 30 minutes.
Let me know how it comes out!
Soul Power Yoga awaken your soul
A community committed to individuality, holistic living and the essence of yoga.
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Saturday, April 9, 2016
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
2014 Vision Board!
A New Year and a fresh new start! This time of year is filled with potential, hope and possibility to do and be better. Bottle it up and hold on to it all year long with you a meaningful vision board!
Jan-YOU-ary is a time to reflect about goals, intentions, resolutions for the year ahead. Take the list to the next step and start manifesting the life you want to live.
Step 1: Find a quiet clutter free space in your home or after class
Step 2: Begin to observe the breath and allow it become even
Step 3: Bring your attention to to people, places, experiences and feelings you wish to meet, visit and have in 2014. Let the breath float and know there is NO WRONG visualization. Anything is possible this year. Let your intuition guide you.
Stay with this meditation for 5-10minutes.
Grab a blank poster board - your choice of color!
Step 1: Identify the theme in your meditation - was it growth, education, personal transformation
Step 2: Start sifting through magazines and newspapers to find pictures or words to illustrate your theme. Place your theme either in words or by picture right at the center of your board.
Step 3: Start surrounding the center with words or illustrations that enhance the theme. Keep your vision board focused, simple and realistic. If the board looks chaotic or too busy chances are you will end of getting frustrated 90 days into the year. Stay on message with your theme.
Step 4: Place your vision board in a place you can see it each day. Either by your bedside or desk.
We want to see your Vision Board!! Share with us on Facebook or Instagram with the #soulpoweryoga and #empowermy2014
Jan-YOU-ary is a time to reflect about goals, intentions, resolutions for the year ahead. Take the list to the next step and start manifesting the life you want to live.
Step 1: Find a quiet clutter free space in your home or after class
Step 2: Begin to observe the breath and allow it become even
Step 3: Bring your attention to to people, places, experiences and feelings you wish to meet, visit and have in 2014. Let the breath float and know there is NO WRONG visualization. Anything is possible this year. Let your intuition guide you.
Stay with this meditation for 5-10minutes.
Grab a blank poster board - your choice of color!
Step 1: Identify the theme in your meditation - was it growth, education, personal transformation
Step 2: Start sifting through magazines and newspapers to find pictures or words to illustrate your theme. Place your theme either in words or by picture right at the center of your board.
Step 3: Start surrounding the center with words or illustrations that enhance the theme. Keep your vision board focused, simple and realistic. If the board looks chaotic or too busy chances are you will end of getting frustrated 90 days into the year. Stay on message with your theme.
Step 4: Place your vision board in a place you can see it each day. Either by your bedside or desk.
We want to see your Vision Board!! Share with us on Facebook or Instagram with the #soulpoweryoga and #empowermy2014
Thursday, October 24, 2013
As the weather continues to change, 3 tips to help keep (or find :)) your zen:
1. Start your morning with a glass of warm/hot water with a little bit of lemon.
2. Take 5 minutes each day (I like to do this first thing in the morning and then again before bed) to just find a quiet place and breathe.
3. Practice smiling throughout the day.
Homework for those inclined to master their zen and happiness:
1. Start your morning with a glass of warm/hot water with a little bit of lemon.
- This is a great way to hydrate (replenish from the night's sleep) and get your digestive system moving.
- You may also feel it helps relax your brain -- there is something comforting about a warm glass -- especially as the weather continues to get cooler!
2. Take 5 minutes each day (I like to do this first thing in the morning and then again before bed) to just find a quiet place and breathe.
- Close your eyes, play some soft music maybe.... and just focus on listening to your breathe.
- If you can - practice taking a deep inhale for a count of 4 and then exhale for the same count.
- allow yourself to indulge and even get lost in the moment! (set an alarm or play a song that is 5 minutes if you are really worried about getting too lost in the moment :))
3. Practice smiling throughout the day.
- It may sound silly -- but I realized for myself -- I thought I'm a pretty easy-going person, but it seems as if there are less opportunities to smile through the day. I noticed that I would spend a lot of my time at work wanting to come across as serious - and didn't realize that it by default I was smiling less and less... Then I would go grocery shopping and I had to get through the aisles -- head down and no small talk -- OR smiling... and then I had to finish all my errands.... and so on and so on... and at the end of the day I was exhausted....
- So now, I try and smile - once every hour at least -- and my day is much more pleasurable.
- Try it yourself -- smile once a day, then progress to 2x a day...
Homework for those inclined to master their zen and happiness:
- once you have mastered smiling therapy -- graduate to laughter therapy -- laugh for 1 minute a day... then progress to 2... and keep going -- how long can you laugh for...
- Sounds silly right? But why do we hold ourselves back from being happy -- allowing ourselves to experience happiness?
Cheers to being happy and keeping/finding our zen - as the weather changes -- and always!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Allergies and Apple Cider Vinegar
Here it is - the dreaded change of season! Coughing, sniffling nose, back drip and watery eyes. Many options are available for over the counter and prescription medicine. But what if you cannot take them (say you are pregnant) or you want to opt for natural relief with fewer side effects.
Apple cider vinegar is a fabulous option for allergy and asthma relief. It is something I personally take each season and up my dosage during flare-ups.
1. Steep a cup of water with 2-3 cinnamon sticks, 2 teaspoons of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of black pepper. You can make larger quantities and store in the fridge and reheat as needed. Also, it can be steeped in a tea kettle and kept warm in it all day for immediate use.
2. Pour 3 oz of brew
3. Add cap full of apple cider vinegar
4. Add local honey (also wonders for allergies)
It is a like a little shot of health! It is strong but the honey helps to offset the strong vinegar taste.
Take as needed during the day - I personally like morning and evening.
Cheers to good health!
Apple cider vinegar is a fabulous option for allergy and asthma relief. It is something I personally take each season and up my dosage during flare-ups.
1. Steep a cup of water with 2-3 cinnamon sticks, 2 teaspoons of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of black pepper. You can make larger quantities and store in the fridge and reheat as needed. Also, it can be steeped in a tea kettle and kept warm in it all day for immediate use.
2. Pour 3 oz of brew
3. Add cap full of apple cider vinegar
4. Add local honey (also wonders for allergies)
It is a like a little shot of health! It is strong but the honey helps to offset the strong vinegar taste.
Take as needed during the day - I personally like morning and evening.
Cheers to good health!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Beat the Heat .... Naturally this Summer!
Ayurveda is a 5000 medicinal science from India. Rooted in principles of treating the body, mind and spirit holistically, Ayurveda understands that our health fluctuates with the seasons.
Summer is most associated with the Pitta dosha. The Chopra Center explains how "Pitta is hot, sharp, sour, pungent, and penetrating. To balance Pitta, we need to make choices that are cooling, sweet, and stabilizing."
An imbalance of Pitta can be seen in digestive issues, as pitta resides in the digestive track, fiery tempers, diarrhea, and skin inflammation.
To fight off the heat, try these beat the heat tips:
1. Avoid or reduce meat, alcohol, fried or spicy foods. Increase your intake of probiotic dairy, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, and sweet/astringent foods to offset rising pitta
2. OIL Massage to eliminate internal toxins using cooler oils such as coconut or olive.
3. Sitali Pranamaya (cooling breath)
Sit in simple crossed legged pose and make an O shape with your mouth, and curl the tongue lengthwise. Then, as B.K.S. Iyengar instructs in Light on Pranayama, "draw in air...as if drinking with a straw and fill the lungs completely." Withdraw your tongue, close your mouth, and hold the breath for 5 to 10 seconds. Exhale completely through your nose. Repeat from 5 to 10 minutes. Follow with relaxing meditation.
4. Select cooling scents such as, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, mint, lavender, fennel, and chamomile.
As always, drink lots of water and start the day with hot lemon water to encourage digestion/elimination.
Summer is most associated with the Pitta dosha. The Chopra Center explains how "Pitta is hot, sharp, sour, pungent, and penetrating. To balance Pitta, we need to make choices that are cooling, sweet, and stabilizing."
An imbalance of Pitta can be seen in digestive issues, as pitta resides in the digestive track, fiery tempers, diarrhea, and skin inflammation.
To fight off the heat, try these beat the heat tips:
1. Avoid or reduce meat, alcohol, fried or spicy foods. Increase your intake of probiotic dairy, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, and sweet/astringent foods to offset rising pitta
2. OIL Massage to eliminate internal toxins using cooler oils such as coconut or olive.
3. Sitali Pranamaya (cooling breath)
Sit in simple crossed legged pose and make an O shape with your mouth, and curl the tongue lengthwise. Then, as B.K.S. Iyengar instructs in Light on Pranayama, "draw in air...as if drinking with a straw and fill the lungs completely." Withdraw your tongue, close your mouth, and hold the breath for 5 to 10 seconds. Exhale completely through your nose. Repeat from 5 to 10 minutes. Follow with relaxing meditation.
4. Select cooling scents such as, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, mint, lavender, fennel, and chamomile.
As always, drink lots of water and start the day with hot lemon water to encourage digestion/elimination.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
3 Toxic Habits in your Yoga Practice - Detox your Mat!
Spring is in the air! A time of renewal and cleansing. While we may be cleaning out our closets and participating in cleanses to restart our bodies - let's also bring our awareness to our mats.
Although we try to come to the mat ready for a new experience, we all (myself included) can sometimes fall into habits on our mats. Let's try to break free from routine habits that may be preventing our growth!
Although we try to come to the mat ready for a new experience, we all (myself included) can sometimes fall into habits on our mats. Let's try to break free from routine habits that may be preventing our growth!
- Mat Placement! Do you have "your" spot in the room? Last week, I walked into a class and the only spot left was front center. I cringed! So far away from my beloved back row. But I rolled out my mat and tried to go with the flow. No lie, it took me awhile to acclimate to a new spot. What I loved though is that by the end of the practice the new spot in the room also opened up a new perspective of myself and my practice.
- Presence! I know that after attending a teacher's class for awhile, I may be more in tune with their cues. Sometimes, I can even see it in the room when I am teaching that my student's know where I am going even before I say the name of the pose. Those days then I intentionally change it up to get all of us out of the routine (face a new direction, use a prop or some other surprise!). Definitely, being in harmony is great for group energy. However, examine if ever so slightly are you rushing the poses? Remember, the first one out of the pose doesn't get to leave class first :) Really commit your presence to be in the pose before rushing to the next.
- Speedy Savasana! Savasana is the yummiest part of our practice. Yes, some days there is a lot to do in a day and our mind cannot quiet. But honestly, those days are when savasana is the most important. We shut down and allow everything our lives time to rest - why not our bodies & minds. Benefits of savasana are numerous, including, calming the brain, lowering blood pressure, relieves stress and mild depression and promotes deep relaxation.
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