Cali Coast taken by Anuj Malhotra |
Sadly, the second you are back in line at the airport - the shoulders start tensing, the breathing shallows and well serenity has checked-out.
So how do you remain zen as a modern day yogi?
- Find time - the day is long and even longer when we are stressed. We may not always have 60-90minutes for a yoga class - but we do have 5 minutes to enjoy a cup of tea in silence or 3 minutes in the car for Kapal Baati breathing. Traffic jams or commuting time can sometimes provide the best times for breathing and simple stretches.
- Journal - we hear it often but journaling has a great way to bring back presence to what is really important and ways to clear the clutter. Reinforce positive affirmations each entry. We often get stuck in labels - being someone's spouse, friend, employee. Go back to basics - what makes you at your core unique, beautiful and worthy.
- Diet - you are what you eat, right? Swap the coffee for a simple green juice or the chocolate for some fruit. Make one conscious change to empower your health.
- Laugh - life does not have to be so serious - and nor do the lessons of life be a somber task. Often our best lessons are our "mistakes" and our ability to laugh at ourselves.